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In conformità con il Regolamento Generale sulla Protezione dei Dati (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 27 aprile 2016 (GDPR) e con il resto della legislazione applicabile sulla protezione dei dati personali, ti vogliamo informare che i dati personali forniti attraverso questo sito Web e, in generale, nell'ambito delle tue relazioni con COGES, SPA (IT 00527790240), saranno trattati da detta entità come Responsabile del trattamento.


I tuoi dati personali possono essere forniti a fornitori di servizi ausiliari esterni che richiedono l'accesso ad essi per svolgere la loro funzione, come società di trasporto, società di manutenzione tecnica, società di gestione ambientale, fornitori di servizi IT con accesso a dati personali, consulenza, agenzie, istituti finanziari, società di selezione del personale, società pubblicitarie e di marketing e altri.
Questi fornitori di servizi ausiliari esterni saranno collegati a COGES SPA come Responsabili del trattamento e tratteranno i tuoi dati seguendo rigorosamente le nostre istruzioni, in conformità con le normative sulla protezione dei dati personali.
Per la corretta gestione dei contratti dei nostri prodotti e servizi, i dati personali verranno trasferiti al nostro distributore ufficiale più vicino a casa tua Se avremo il tuo consenso, i tuoi dati potranno essere trasferiti a fini commerciali ad altre società del Gruppo Azkoyen e a terzi che hanno firmato un accordo di collaborazione commerciale con COGES SPA.
Quando è legalmente richiesto, i tuoi dati potrebbero anche essere trasferiti alle autorità pubbliche.

COGES SPA conserverà i tuoi dati solo per il tempo necessario a conseguire lo scopo per il quale sono stati ottenuti. Quando i tuoi dati cessano di essere necessari per lo scopo per il quale sono stati raccolti, saranno cancellati purché sia legalmente possibile; in caso contrario, saranno bloccati e messi a disposizione di Giudici e Tribunali, o delle competenti Amministrazioni pubbliche, in particolare del Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, per la verifica delle possibili responsabilità derivate dal trattamento dei dati personali.

Il trattamento dei dati personali forniti sarà effettuato adottando le misure di sicurezza fisiche, logiche e organizzative necessarie per evitare la perdita, l'uso improprio, l'alterazione e l'accesso non autorizzato ad essi, tenendo conto dello stato della tecnologia, della natura di i dati e l'analisi dei rischi eseguita.

La revoca dei consensi concessi, nonché l'esercizio dei diritti di accesso, rettifica, cancellazione, opposizione, limitazione, portabilità e mancata presentazione di decisioni automatizzate possono essere indirizzati mediante richiesta scritta a:

Via Luigi Dalla Via, 10 - 36015 SCHIO (VI) Italia

Nel caso in cui l'interessato ritenga che i diritti precedenti non siano stati rispettati in conformità con la normativa vigente, possono presentare la relativa richiesta di protezione dei diritti dinanzi al Garante per la Protezione dei Dati personali.

I dati obbligatori di ciascun modulo sono identificati come tali da un asterisco (*). Il rifiuto di fornire tali informazioni impedirà la comunicazione con l'utente e, se del caso, l'impossibilità di fornire le informazioni e / o i servizi richiesti.

In seguito alla registrazione della sua chiave MyKey su questo sito, il titolare del trattamento dei dati sarà il Gestore dei distributori automatici ai quali la sua MyKey è associata. In fase di registrazione le verrà fornito il testo dell’informativa sulla Privacy con le informazioni relative ai sensi del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (\\\"GDPR\\\").

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In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) and with the rest of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, we wish to inform you that the personal data provided through this website and, in general, as part of your relationships with COGES, SPA (IT 00527790240), they will be treated by the said entity as Data Processor.


Your personal data may be provided to external auxiliary service providers that require access to them to perform their function, such as transportation companies, technical maintenance companies, environmental management companies, IT service providers with access to personal data, consulting agencies, financial institutions, personnel selection companies, advertising and marketing companies and others.
These external auxiliary service providers will be connected to COGES SPA as Data Processors and will process your data strictly following our instructions, in compliance with the regulations on personal data protection.
For the correct management of the contracts of our products and services, personal data will be transferred to our official distributor closest to your home.
If we have your consent, your data may be transferred for commercial purposes to other Azkoyen Group companies and to third parties who have signed a commercial collaboration agreement with COGES SPA.
When legally required, your data could also be transferred to public authorities.

COGES SPA will keep your data only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was obtained. When your data ceases to be necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, it will be deleted as long as it is legally possible; otherwise, they will be blocked and made available to Judges and Courts, or to the competent Public Administrations, in particular the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, to verify the possible responsibilities deriving from the processing of personal data.

The processing of personal data provided will be carried out by adopting the physical, logical and organizational security measures necessary to avoid the loss, improper use, alteration and unauthorized access to them, taking into account the state of technology, nature of data and risk analysis performed.

The revocation of the consent granted, as well as the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation, portability and non-presentation of automated decisions may be addressed by written request to:

Via Luigi Dalla Via, 10 - 36015 SCHIO (VI) Italia

In the event that the interested party considers that the previous rights have not been respected in compliance with the current legislation, they can submit the relevant request for protection of rights before the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali.

The mandatory data of each form are identified as such by an asterisk (*). The refusal to provide such information will prevent communication with the user and, if necessary, the impossibility of providing the information and / or services requested.

Après avoir enregistré votre clé MyKey sur ce site, le responsable du traitement des données sera le Gestionnaire des distributeurs automatiques auxquels votre MyKey est associée. Lors de l’enregistrement, il vous sera fourni le texte de la note d’information en matière de Confidentialité accompagné des informations correspondantes, aux termes du Règlement (UE) 2016/679 (« RGPD »).

\";\n// Exports\nmodule.exports = code;","// Module\nvar code = \"



In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) and with the rest of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, we wish to inform you that the personal data provided through this website and, in general, as part of your relationships with COGES, SPA (IT 00527790240), they will be treated by the said entity as Data Processor.


Your personal data may be provided to external auxiliary service providers that require access to them to perform their function, such as transportation companies, technical maintenance companies, environmental management companies, IT service providers with access to personal data, consulting agencies, financial institutions, personnel selection companies, advertising and marketing companies and others.
These external auxiliary service providers will be connected to COGES SPA as Data Processors and will process your data strictly following our instructions, in compliance with the regulations on personal data protection.
For the correct management of the contracts of our products and services, personal data will be transferred to our official distributor closest to your home.
If we have your consent, your data may be transferred for commercial purposes to other Azkoyen Group companies and to third parties who have signed a commercial collaboration agreement with COGES SPA.
When legally required, your data could also be transferred to public authorities.

COGES SPA will keep your data only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was obtained. When your data ceases to be necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, it will be deleted as long as it is legally possible; otherwise, they will be blocked and made available to Judges and Courts, or to the competent Public Administrations, in particular the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, to verify the possible responsibilities deriving from the processing of personal data.

The processing of personal data provided will be carried out by adopting the physical, logical and organizational security measures necessary to avoid the loss, improper use, alteration and unauthorized access to them, taking into account the state of technology, nature of data and risk analysis performed.

The revocation of the consent granted, as well as the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation, portability and non-presentation of automated decisions may be addressed by written request to:

Via Luigi Dalla Via, 10 - 36015 SCHIO (VI) Italia

In the event that the interested party considers that the previous rights have not been respected in compliance with the current legislation, they can submit the relevant request for protection of rights before the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali.

The mandatory data of each form are identified as such by an asterisk (*). The refusal to provide such information will prevent communication with the user and, if necessary, the impossibility of providing the information and / or services requested.

Après avoir enregistré votre clé MyKey sur ce site, le responsable du traitement des données sera le Gestionnaire des distributeurs automatiques auxquels votre MyKey est associée. Lors de l’enregistrement, il vous sera fourni le texte de la note d’information en matière de Confidentialité accompagné des informations correspondantes, aux termes du Règlement (UE) 2016/679 (« RGPD »).

\";\n// Exports\nmodule.exports = code;","var map = {\n\t\"./cs/privacypolicy_coges.html\": \"2578\",\n\t\"./de/privacypolicy_coges.html\": \"f06f\",\n\t\"./en/privacypolicy_coges.html\": \"e28b\",\n\t\"./es/privacypolicy_coges.html\": \"33b0\",\n\t\"./fr/privacypolicy_coges.html\": \"18ca\",\n\t\"./it/privacypolicy_coges.html\": \"12f8\"\n};\n\n\nfunction webpackContext(req) {\n\tvar id = webpackContextResolve(req);\n\treturn __webpack_require__(id);\n}\nfunction webpackContextResolve(req) {\n\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(map, req)) {\n\t\tvar e = new Error(\"Cannot find module '\" + req + \"'\");\n\t\te.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';\n\t\tthrow e;\n\t}\n\treturn map[req];\n}\nwebpackContext.keys = function webpackContextKeys() {\n\treturn Object.keys(map);\n};\nwebpackContext.resolve = webpackContextResolve;\nmodule.exports = webpackContext;\nwebpackContext.id = \"2a5e\";","// Module\nvar code = \"



In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) and with the rest of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, we wish to inform you that the personal data provided through this website and, in general, as part of your relationships with COGES, SPA (IT 00527790240), they will be treated by the said entity as Data Processor.


Your personal data may be provided to external auxiliary service providers that require access to them to perform their function, such as transportation companies, technical maintenance companies, environmental management companies, IT service providers with access to personal data, consulting agencies, financial institutions, personnel selection companies, advertising and marketing companies and others.
These external auxiliary service providers will be connected to COGES SPA as Data Processors and will process your data strictly following our instructions, in compliance with the regulations on personal data protection.
For the correct management of the contracts of our products and services, personal data will be transferred to our official distributor closest to your home.
If we have your consent, your data may be transferred for commercial purposes to other Azkoyen Group companies and to third parties who have signed a commercial collaboration agreement with COGES SPA.
When legally required, your data could also be transferred to public authorities.

COGES SPA will keep your data only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was obtained. When your data ceases to be necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, it will be deleted as long as it is legally possible; otherwise, they will be blocked and made available to Judges and Courts, or to the competent Public Administrations, in particular the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, to verify the possible responsibilities deriving from the processing of personal data.

The processing of personal data provided will be carried out by adopting the physical, logical and organizational security measures necessary to avoid the loss, improper use, alteration and unauthorized access to them, taking into account the state of technology, nature of data and risk analysis performed.

The revocation of the consent granted, as well as the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation, portability and non-presentation of automated decisions may be addressed by written request to:

Via Luigi Dalla Via, 10 - 36015 SCHIO (VI) Italia

In the event that the interested party considers that the previous rights have not been respected in compliance with the current legislation, they can submit the relevant request for protection of rights before the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali.

The mandatory data of each form are identified as such by an asterisk (*). The refusal to provide such information will prevent communication with the user and, if necessary, the impossibility of providing the information and / or services requested.

Après avoir enregistré votre clé MyKey sur ce site, le responsable du traitement des données sera le Gestionnaire des distributeurs automatiques auxquels votre MyKey est associée. Lors de l’enregistrement, il vous sera fourni le texte de la note d’information en matière de Confidentialité accompagné des informations correspondantes, aux termes du Règlement (UE) 2016/679 (« RGPD »).

\";\n// Exports\nmodule.exports = code;","// Module\nvar code = \"

ásady ochrany osobních údajů Aplikace \\\"MyKey Landing Page\\\" poskytované podle čl. 13, odst. 1 NAŘÍZENÍ (EU) 679/2016 o ochraně osobních údajů (GDPR) Používání aplikace \\\"MyKey Landing Page APP\\\"

Vážený uživateli, >###legalCompanyName### (dále jen \\\"Správce údajů\\\"), v souladu s čl. 13, odst. 1 nařízení (EU) č. 679/2016 (GDPR), Vás tímto jako \\\"Subjekt údajů\\\" informuje o účelu shromažďování těchto údajů a o metodách používaných ke zpracování osobních údajů zpřístupněných prostřednictvím aplikace \\\"MyKey Landing Page\\\".


1) Správce údajů a pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů

  1. Správcem údajů je >###legalCompanyName###, se sídlem v ###legalAddress###, IČO: ###legalVatCode### Správce údajů lze kontaktovat na emailové adrese: ###legalEmail###

2) Účel zpracování osobních údajů

  1. Shromažďování údajů je nezbytné pro využívání služby MyKey Landing Page, která slouží k aktivaci dodaného mobilního zařízení (tzv. tokenů). Toto zařízení, které uživatelům umožňuje především nákup nápojů a/nebo potravin dodávaných všemi automaty spravovanými správcem údajů, umožňuje uživatelům také doplňkový a volitelný přístup k personalizované službě: přesněji řečeno, po přihlášení bude uživatelům umožněn přístup do online prostředí backoffice, které ve své paměti uchovává kredity, konzumace a nákupní preference.
  2. Údaje, které poskytnete vlastníkovi, budou proto zpracovány:
  3. a) pro účely související nebo napomáhající poskytování služby;
  4. b) za účelem splnění povinnosti stanovené zákony, předpisy, právními předpisy společenství, předpisy vydanými orgány (jako je například účetní evidence a daňové povinnosti; právní předpisy proti praní špinavých peněz);
  5. c) pro účely sloužící k individualizaci Služby, zlepšení a rozvoji obchodní činnosti Správce (prováděné přímo nebo prostřednictvím specializovaných společností označených jako zpracovatelé údajů), k nimž máte podle GDPR právo udělit nebo odepřít souhlas, jako např:

3) Právní základ pro zpracování údajů

Právní základy zpracování jsou uvedeny v čl. 6 odst. 1 GDPR

4) Příjemci údajů - zpracovatelé údajů

Za účelem dosažení výše uvedených účelů mohou být vaše údaje zpřístupněny třetím stranám, které se v různých formách podílejí na poskytování služeb. Vaše údaje mohou být například předány účetním a/nebo daňovým a/nebo IT poradcům najatým správcem údajů, nebo třetím stranám, které provádějí oborové studie a statistické a tržní průzkumy, které mohou údaje zpracovávat v rámci přijatých zadání a plnit roli zpracovatelů údajů.

Aktuální seznam zpracovatelů údajů je k dispozici v sídle ###legalAddress###; na správce údajů se můžete obrátit s žádostí
o jakékoli vysvětlení nebo s dotazy týkajícími se ochrany osobních údajů.

5) Důsledky nesdělení údajů a neposkytnutí souhlasu

Sdělování osobních údajů je především v souladu s konkrétním smluvním požadavkem na poskytnutí služby; z tohoto důvodu by nesdělení údajů znemožnilo její provedení a znemožnilo by poskytování našich služeb.

Na druhou stranu je souhlas zcela dobrovolný, pokud jde o použití vašich údajů pro komerční účely.

6) Uchovávání údajů

Vaše údaje, které jsou předmětem zpracování pro výše uvedené účely, budou uchovávány po dobu 24 měsíců od posledního použití technologie MyKey Landing Page, a to po dobu, kdy je na zařízení stále váš kredit, a následně po dobu, po kterou správce údajů podléhá povinnosti uchovávat údaje pro daňové účely nebo pro jiné účely stanovené zákonem nebo nařízením platným na území státu.


7) Automatizované rozhodovací procesy (čl. 22 GDPR)


Udělením souhlasu se zpracováním osobních údajů pro účely předpokládané v písmenu c), mohou být shromážděné údaje podrobeny procesu automatizovaného rozhodování za použití specifického algoritmu, který rozhodne, která sdělení jsou pro příjemce nejvhodnější nebo která ho nejvíce zajímají.


Žádné aspekty návrhů nejsou pro uživatele závazné.


V každém případě má subjekt údajů právo požádat správce údajů o lidský zásah do rozhodovacího procesu, vyjádřit svůj názor, získat vysvětlení ohledně přijatého rozhodnutí, a odvolat se proti samotnému rozhodnutí.

V každém případě bude profilování prováděno pomocí matematických a statistických postupů, které
s použitím vhodných technických a organizačních opatření umožňují opravit faktory, které vedou
k nepřesnostem v údajích, a omezit riziko chyb tak, aby byla zaručena bezpečnost údajů. Šíření údajů je vyloučeno.

8) Práva subjektu údajů

Dovolujeme si vás informovat, že jako subjekt údajů jste oprávněni uplatňovat práva stanovená v GDPR ve vztahu ke všem zpracovávaným osobním údajům, konkrétně k těmto:


– Právo na přístup ke shromážděným a zpracovávaným údajům (článek 15);


– Právo na opravu údajů (článek 16);


– Právo na výmaz údajů a právo být zapomenut (článek 17);


– Právo na omezení zpracování (článek 18);


– Právo na přenositelnost údajů k jinému správci údajů (článek 20);


– Právo vznést námitku proti zpracování (článek 21);


–  Právo odvolat souhlas (pokud je zpracování založeno na souhlasu), čímž není dotčena zákonnost zpracování založeného na souhlasu před jeho odvoláním (čl. 7 odst. 1);


– Právo podat stížnost u dozorového úřadu (článek 77);


–  Právo na účinný opravný prostředek proti dozorovému úřadu (článek 78) a právo na účinný opravný prostředek proti správci nebo zpracovateli (článek 79).

\";\n// Exports\nmodule.exports = code;","// Module\nvar code = \"

Politique de confidentialité Application \\\"MyKey Landing Page » selon l'art. 13, Al. 1 RÈGLEMENT UE 679/2016 pour la protection des données personnelles (RGPD) \\\"UTILISATION APPLICATION MyKey Landing Page\\\"

Cher Utilisateur, ###legalCompanyName### (ci-après le « Responsable »), aux termes de l’art 13, al. 1, du Règlement UE 679/2016 (ci-après le RGPD), vous informe, en tant que « intéressé », sur les fins de la collecte et sur les modalités de traitement de vos données personnelles dont le Responsable aura connaissance par le biais de l’application « MyKey Landing Page ».

1) Responsable du traitement des données et sous-traitant de la protection des données

  1. Le Responsable du traitement est ###legalCompanyName###, dont le siège est ###legalAddress###, N° TVA ###legalVatCode###.Le Responsable du traitement peut être contacté par courriel à l'adresse : ###legalEmail###

2) Finalité du traitement des données

  1. La fourniture des données est nécessaire pour bénéficier du service Mykey Landing Page avec lequel est activé le dispositif mobile (Token)qui vous a été remis. Ledit dispositif, qui permet principalement l'achat de boissons et/ou de denrées alimentaires fournies par l'ensemble des distributeurs automatiques gérés par le Responsable, permet aussi à titre accessoire et facultatif l'utilisation d'un service personnalisé : après authentification, vous pourrez accéder à un environnement de back office en ligne, qui garde en mémoire votre crédit, vos consommations et donc vos préférences d'achat.
  2. Les données que vous fournissez au Responsable seront traitées :
  1. a) à des fins liées ou utiles à l'exécution du service ;
  2. b) pour le respect des exigences prévues par les lois, les règlements, les réglementations de l'UE, les dispositions édictées par les autorités (par exemple, les registres comptables et la conformité fiscale ; la législation anti-blanchiment) ;
  3. c) à des fins fonctionnelles de personnalisation du service, d'amélioration et de développement de l'activité commerciale du Responsable du traitement (effectuées directement ou par l'intermédiaire de sociétés spécialisées désignées responsables du traitement), pour lesquelles vous avez le droit, en vertu du RGPD, d'accorder ou de refuser votre consentement, comme :

3) Base juridique du traitement

Les bases juridiques du traitement sont celles que prévoit l’art. 6, al. 1, du RGPD

4) Destinataires des données - Sous-traitants du traitement des données

Afin de poursuivre les objectifs mentionnés ci-dessus, vos données peuvent être communiquées à des tiers qui, pour diverses raisons, sont impliqués dans la fourniture du service fourni. À titre d’exemple, vos données peuvent être communiquées aux conseillers comptables et/ou fiscaux et/ou informatiques du Responsable du traitement ou à des tiers qui réalisent des études sectorielles et des études statistiques et de marché, qui peuvent traiter les données dans les limites des tâches qui leur ont été confiées en tant que sous-traitants du traitement.

La liste à jour des Sous-traitants du traitement est disponible au siège statutaire de ###legalAddress###, il vous sera possible de contacter librement le sous-traitant du traitement pour toute précision ou en cas de problème de confidentialité.

5) Conséquences de la non-communication des données et du refus de consentement

La communication des données s’effectue avant tout pour une exigence contractuelle spécifique pour la prestation d’un service, le fait de ne pas communiquer les données empêcherait donc de le mettre en œuvre et rendrait notre prestation de service inapplicable.

Le consentement est en revanche tout à fait facultatif pour l'utilisation à but commercial de vos données.

6) Conservation des Données

Vos données, traitées aux fins susmentionnées, seront conservées pendant une période de 24 mois à compter de la dernière utilisation de la technologie MyKey Landing Page et aussi longtemps qu'il existe un crédit en votre faveur et, par la suite, aussi longtemps que le Responsable est soumis à des obligations de conservation à des fins fiscales ou autres prévues par les lois ou règlements applicables sur le territoire national.

7) Procédures décisionnelles automatisées (art. 22 RGPD)

En donnant votre consentement au traitement des données à caractère personnel aux fins indiquées au point c), les données collectées pourront être soumises à une procédure décisionnelle automatisée, au moyen d’un algorithme particulier qui décidera des communications les plus adaptées à votre profil ou celles qui pourraient être les plus pertinentes.

Aucune proposition ne sera contractuelle pour l’utilisateur.

L’intéressé a en tout cas le droit de demander à ce que le Responsable intervienne en personne dans la procédure décisionnelle, d’exprimer son opinion, d’obtenir une explication de la décision prise et de contester cette dernière.

En tout état de cause, le profilage sera effectué au moyen de procédures mathématiques et statistiques qui, grâce à des mesures techniques et organisationnelles appropriées, permettront de corriger les facteurs conduisant à des inexactitudes dans les données à caractère personnel et de limiter le risque d'erreurs afin de garantir la sécurité des données à caractère personnel. La divulgation des données est exclue.

8) Droits de l'intéressé

Nous vous informons que, en qualité d’intéressé, pour toutes les données personnelles traitées, vous aurez la possibilité d’exercer les droits prévus par le RGPD, et en particulier :

– Droit d’accès aux données collectées et traitées (art. 15) ;

– droit d’obtenir la rectification des données (art. 16) ;

– droit d’obtenir la suppression des données et droit à l’oubli (art. 17) ;

– droit d’obtenir une limitation dans le traitement des données (art. 18) ;

– droit à la transférabilité des données à un autre responsable du traitement (art. 20) ;

– droit d’opposition au traitement (art. 21) ;

– droit au retrait du consentement (si le traitement est fondé sur le consentement), sans préjudice de la licéité du traitement fondé sur le consentement donné avant la révocation de celui-ci (article 7) ;

- droit de déposer une réclamation auprès de l'autorité de surveillance (art. 77) ;

– droit de présenter un recours judiciaire contre l'autorité de surveillance (art. 78) et contre le Responsable ou le sous-traitant du traitement (art. 79).

\";\n// Exports\nmodule.exports = code;","// Module\nvar code = \"

Datenschutzerklärung App \\\"MyKey Landing Page\\\", abgegeben im Sinne des Art. 13, Abs. 1, VERORDNUNG (EU) 679/2016 zum Schutz der personenbezogenen Daten (DSGVO) \\\"VERWENDUNG DER ANWENDUNGSSOFTWARE MyKey Landing Page\\\"

Sehr verehrter Nutzer, ###legalCompanyName###(im Folgenden “der Verantwortliche”), informiert Sie gemäß Art 13 Abs. 1 der Verordnung (EU) 679/2016 (im Folgenden DSGVO), in Ihrer Eigenschaft als “betroffene Person” zu den Erfassungszwecken und den Modalitäten der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten, über die der Verantwortliche mittels der Anwendungssoftware “MyKey Landing Page” die Verfügbarkeit erlangt.

1) Verantwortlicher der Datenverarbeitung und Datenschutzbeauftragter

  1. Verantwortlicher der Datenverarbeitung ist ###legalCompanyName### mit Sitz in ###legalAddress###, USt-IdNr. ###legalVatCode###. Der Verantwortliche ist unter der folgenden E-Mail-Adresse erreichbar: ###legalEmail###

2) Zwecke der Datenverarbeitung

  1. Die Bereitstellung der Daten ist notwendig für die Nutzung des Dienstes Mykey Landing Page, mit dem das Ihnen ausgehändigte mobile Gerät (der sog. Token) aktiviert wird. Dieses Gerät, mit dem in erster Linie Getränke oder Lebensmittel aus allen vom Verantwortlichen bewirtschafteten Verkaufsautomaten erworben werden können, gestattet zusätzlich und auf Wunsch die Nutzung eines personalisierten Dienstes, der es Ihnen nach einer entsprechenden Authentifizierung ermöglicht, online auf die Umgebung eines Backoffice zuzugreifen, in der Ihr Guthaben, Ihre Konsumationen und somit Ihre Kaufpräferenzen gespeichert sind.
  2. Die dementsprechend von Ihnen dem Verantwortlichen bereitgestellten Daten werden verarbeitet:
  1. a) für die Zwecke, die mit der Erbringung des Dienstes verbunden sind oder der Erbringung des Dienstes dienen;
  2. b) für die Erfüllung einer Pflicht, die auf Gesetzen, Bestimmungen, Gemeinschaftsvorschriften oder behördlichen Anordnungen beruht (zum Beispiel Buchführungspflichten, steuerliche Pflichten und Pflichten gemäß den Vorschriften zur Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche);
  3. c) für Zwecke, die der Personalisierung des Dienstes sowie der Verbesserung und der Fortentwicklung der Geschäftstätigkeit des Verantwortlichen dienen (und von diesem selbst oder von Fachfirmen ausgeführt werden, die zu Verantwortlichen der Datenverarbeitung ernannt werden) und für die Sie im Sinne der DSGVO ihre Einwilligung erteilen oder verweigern können. Zu diesen Zwecken gehören:

3) Rechtsgrundlage der Verarbeitung

Rechtsgrundlagen der Datenverarbeitung sind jene, die aus Art. 6 Abs. 1 DSGVO

4) Empfänger der Daten – Auftragsverarbeiter

Für die Verfolgung der oben angegebenen Zwecke können Ihre Daten Dritten mitgeteilt werden, die aus verschiedenen Gründen an der Erbringung des Dienstes an Sie beteiligt sind. Beispielsweise können Ihre Daten Beratern des Verantwortlichen für Buchhaltung, Steuern und Informatik oder Dritten mitgeteilt werden, die branchenspezifische Studien, statistische Erhebungen oder Marktforschungen durchführen und die Daten im Rahmen der erhaltenen Aufträge als Auftragsverarbeiter verarbeiten dürfen.

Das aktualisierte Verzeichnis der Auftragsverarbeiter ist am Rechtssitz von ###legalAddress### verfügbar. Sie können den Auftragsverarbeiter bei sämtlichen Fragen oder Problematiken in Bezug auf den Schutz Ihrer Daten frei kontaktieren.

5) Folgen einer Nichtbereitstellung der Daten und einer Nichterteilung der Einwilligung

Die Übermittlung der Daten erfolgt vor allem wegen eines bestimmten vertraglichen Erfordernisses, das für die Erbringung eines Dienstes notwendig ist. Aus diesem Grunde würde die Nichtübermittlung der Daten einen Hindernisgrund für die Ausführung des Vertrages darstellen und die Erbringung unserer Leistung unmöglich machen.

Was die Nutzung Ihrer Daten zu Werbezwecken betrifft, ist die Einwilligung hingegen völlig freiwillig.

6) Aufbewahrung der Daten

Ihre Daten, die Gegenstand der Verarbeitung für die oben genannten Zwecke sind, werden für einen Zeitraum von 24 Monaten nach der letztmaligen Nutzung der Technologie MyKey Landing Page gespeichert, solange ein Guthaben zu Ihren Gunsten besteht, später dann für eine Dauer, für die der Verantwortliche den gesetzlichen und sonstigen Vorschriften bezüglich der Aufbewahrungspflichten für steuerliche oder andere Zwecke auf nationalem Gebiet unterliegt.

7) Automatisierte Entscheidungen (Art. 22 DSGVO)

Wird die Einwilligung zur Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten für die unter Punkt c) genannten Zwecke erteilt, können die erhobenen Daten mittels eines spezifischen Algorithmus zu einer automatisierten Entscheidungsfindung genutzt werden. Dieser Algorithmus entscheidet, welche Mitteilungen am besten für Ihr Profil geeignet sind und welche für Sie von größtem Interesse sein könnten.

Nichts von dem, was vorgeschlagen wird, ist für den Nutzer bindend.

Die betroffene Person ist in jedem Fall berechtigt, menschliche Mitwirkung durch den Verantwortlichen im Entscheidungsprozess zu erwirken, seine Meinung zum Ausdruck zu bringen und die Entscheidung anzufechten.

In jedem Fall wird das Profiling mit mathematischen und statistischen Verfahren vorgenommen, die es durch sachgerechte technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen ermöglichen, dass Faktoren, die zu unrichtigen Daten führen, korrigiert werden und das Risiko von Fehlern minimiert wird, sodass der Schutz der Daten sichergestellt ist. Ausgeschlossen ist die Verbreitung der Daten.

8) Rechte der betroffenen Person

Wir informieren Sie, dass Sie als betroffene Person in Bezug auf alle verarbeiteten personenbezogenen Daten laut DSGVO die folgenden Rechte ausüben können:

– Recht auf den Zugang zu den erhobenen und verarbeiteten Daten (Art. 15);

– Recht auf Berichtigung der Daten (Art. 16);

– Recht auf Löschung der Daten und Recht auf Vergessenwerden (Art. 17);

– Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung (Art. 18);

– Recht auf Übertragbarkeit der Daten auf einen anderen Verantwortlichen (Art. 20);

– Recht auf Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung (Art. 21)

– Recht auf Widerruf der Einwilligung (wenn die Verarbeitung auf der Einwilligung basiert), ohne die Rechtmäßigkeit der aufgrund der Einwilligung bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Verarbeitung zu berühren (Art. 7);

– Recht auf Beschwerde bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde (Art. 77);

– Recht auf wirksamen gerichtlichen Rechtsbehelf gegen eine Aufsichtsbehörde (Art. 78) und gegen Verantwortliche oder Auftragsverarbeiter (Art. 79).

\";\n// Exports\nmodule.exports = code;","!function(e,n){\"object\"==typeof exports&&\"undefined\"!=typeof module?n(exports):\"function\"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([\"exports\"],n):n((e=\"undefined\"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:e||self).isNullOrEmpty={})}(this,(function(e){\"use strict\";function n(e){var n;if(null===e)return!0;switch(typeof e){case\"undefined\":return!0;case\"string\":return\"\"===e;case\"number\":return isNaN(e);case\"object\":return Array.isArray(e)||(\"undefined\"!=typeof NodeList&&e instanceof NodeList||\"undefined\"!=typeof HTMLCollection&&e instanceof HTMLCollection)?e.length<1:\"Object\"===(null===(n=null==e?void 0:e.constructor)||void 0===n?void 0:n.name)&&function(e){for(var n in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(n))return!1;return!0}(e);case\"bigint\":case\"function\":case\"boolean\":case\"symbol\":return!1}}function t(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&(e=e.trim()),n(e)}e.isNotNullOrEmpty=function(e){return!n(e)},e.isNotNullOrWhiteSpace=function(e){return!t(e)},e.isNullOrEmpty=n,e.isNullOrWhiteSpace=t,Object.defineProperty(e,\"__esModule\",{value:!0})}));\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.min.js.map\n","export * from \"-!../../../node_modules/mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/loader.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-0!../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!../../../node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!../../../node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-3!../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./PrivacyContent.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=76c47f32&lang=scss&scoped=true&\"","// Module\nvar code = \"

Informativa ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Regolamento Europeo 2016/679
Consenso al trattamento dei dati

Gentile Utente, ###legalCompanyName### (di seguito denominata “Titolare”), in osservanza a quanto previsto dall’art 13, co. 1, del Regolamento UE 679/2016 (di seguito GDPR), La informa, in quanto “interessato”, sulle finalità della raccolta e sulle modalità di trattamento dei suoi dati personali di cui il Titolare entrerà nella disponibilità mediante l’applicazione “MyKey Landing Page”.

1) Titolare del trattamento e responsabile della protezione dei Dati

  1. Titolare del trattamento è ###legalCompanyName### , con sede in ###legalAddress###, P.Iva ###legalVatCode###. Il titolare del trattamento può essere contattato mediante e-mail all’indirizzo: ###legalEmail###

2) Finalità del trattamento dei Dati

  1. Il conferimento dei dati risulta necessario per la fruizione del servizio Mykey Landing Page con il quale viene abilitato il dispositivo mobile (cd. Token) consegnatole. Detto dispositivo, che consente in via principale di acquistare bevande e/o generi alimentari forniti da tutti i distributori automatici gestiti da parte del Titolare, consente anche, in via accessoria e facoltativa, la fruizione di un servizio personalizzato: precisamente, previa autenticazione, le verrà consentito di accedere ad un ambiente online di backoffice, che conserva memoria del suo credito, dei suoi consumi e dunque delle sue preferenze di acquisto.
  2. I Dati da Lei dunque forniti al Titolare verranno trattati:
    a) per le finalità connesse o strumentali all’esecuzione del Servizio;
    b) per l’adempimento di un obbligo previsto da leggi, regolamenti, normative comunitarie, da disposizioni impartite da autorità (quali ad es. registrazioni contabili ed adempimenti fiscali; normativa antiriciclaggio);
    c) per finalità funzionali alla personalizzazione del Servizio, al miglioramento ed allo sviluppo dell’attività commerciale del Titolare (eseguite direttamente o tramite l’opera di società specializzate designate quali responsabili del trattamento), per le quali ai sensi del GDPR Lei ha facoltà di rilasciare o negare il Suo consenso, quali:

3) Base giuridica del trattamento

Basi giuridiche del trattamento risultano quelle di cui all’art. 6, co. 1, GDPR

4) Destinatari dei Dati – Responsabili del trattamento

Per il perseguimento delle suindicate finalità i Suoi Dati potranno essere comunicati a terzi soggetti che a vario titolo siano coinvolti nella fornitura del Servizio fornitole. A titolo esemplificativo, i Suoi Dati potranno essere comunicati ai consulenti contabili e/o fiscali e/o informatici del Titolare oppure a terzi soggetti che effettuino studi di settore e ricerche statistiche e di mercato, che potranno trattare i Dati nei limiti degli incarichi ricevuti, assumendo la qualifica di responsabili del trattamento.

L’elenco aggiornato dei Responsabili al trattamento è a disposizione presso la sede legale di ###legalAddress###, Lei potrà liberamente contattare il responsabile del trattamento per qualsiasi chiarimento o problematica riguardante la Sua privacy.

5) Conseguenze della mancata comunicazione dei Dati e della mancata prestazione del consenso

La comunicazione dei dati avviene anzitutto per un’esigenza specifica contrattuale necessaria per l’erogazione di un servizio, ragion per cui la mancata comunicazione dei dati costituirebbe impedimento all’esecuzione dello stesso rendendo ineseguibile la nostra prestazione.

Il consenso è viceversa del tutto facoltativo per quanto riguarda l’utilizzo a fini commerciali dei Vs dati.

6) Conservazione dei Dati

I Suoi Dati, oggetto del trattamento per le finalità sopra indicate, saranno conservati per un periodo di 24 mesi dall’ultimo utilizzo della Tecnologia MyKey Landing Page e fintantoché risulta un credito a Suo favore e, successivamente, per il tempo in cui il Titolare è soggetto agli obblighi di conservazione per finalità fiscali o per altre finalità previste da norme di legge o di regolamento applicabili sul territorio nazionale.

7) Processi decisionali automatizzati (art. 22 GDPR)

Fornendo il proprio consenso al trattamento dei dati personali per le finalità indicate al punto c) i dati raccolti potranno essere soggetti ad un processo decisionale automatizzato, mediante uno specifico algoritmo che deciderà quali comunicazioni siano più adatte al suo profilo o quali potrebbero essere maggiormente d’interesse.

Nulla di quanto proposto sarà per l’utente vincolante.

L’interessato ha, in ogni caso, il diritto di ottenere l’intervento umano nel processo decisionale da parte del Titolare, di esprimere la propria opinione, di ottenere una spiegazione della decisione conseguita e di contestare la decisione stessa.

In ogni caso, la profilazione sarà effettuata mediante procedure matematiche e statistiche che, mediante adeguate misure tecniche ed organizzative, consentano di rettificare i fattori che comportano inesattezze di dati e di circoscrivere il rischio di errori così da garantire la sicurezza dei Dati. È esclusa la diffusione dei Dati.

8) Diritti dell’interessato

La informiamo che, in qualità di interessato, Relativamente a tutti i dati personali trattati potrà esercitare i diritti previsti dal GDPR e specificamente:

– Diritto di accesso ai dati raccolti e trattati (art. 15);

– diritto di ottenere la rettifica dei dati (art. 16);

– diritto di ottenere la cancellazione dei dati e diritto all’oblio (art. 17);

– diritto di ottenere la limitazione del trattamento (art. 18);

– diritto alla portabilità dei dati ad altro titolare (art. 20);

– diritto di opposizione al trattamento (art. 21)

– diritto di revoca del consenso (qualora il trattamento si basi sul consenso), senza pregiudicare la liceità del trattamento basato sul consenso prestato prima della revoca (art. 7);

– diritto di presentare reclamo all’Autorità di Controllo (art. 77);

– Diritto di presentare ricorso giurisdizionale nei confronti dell’Autorità di Controllo (art. 78) e nei confronti del Titolare o del Responsabile del trattamento (art. 79).

\";\n// Exports\nmodule.exports = code;","// Module\nvar code = \"

Privacy Policy App \\\"\\\"MyKey Landing Page\\\" provided pursuant to Art. 13, (1) REGULATION (EU) 679/2016 on personal data protection (GDPR) Use of the \\\"MyKey Landing Page APP\\\"

Dear User ###legalCompanyName### (hereinafter the “Data Controller”), in accordance with Article 13, (1) of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 (GDPR) , we hereby inform you, as a “Data Subject”, of the purpose for such data collection and the methods used to process the personal data made available by the “MyKey Landing Page” application.

1) Data Controller and the Data Protection Officer

  1. The Data Controller is ###legalCompanyName###, with registered office in ###legalAddress###, VAT no. ###legalVatCode###. The Data Controller may be contacted by email at: ###legalEmail###

2) Purpose of processing personal data

  1. The collection of data is necessary in order to use the Mykey Landing Page service which is used to enable the mobile device (so-called Tokens) delivered. This device, which mainly allows users to purchase drinks and / or foodstuffs supplied by all the vending machines managed by the Data Controller, also allows users to access a personalised service on an ancillary and optional basis: more precisely, after logging in users will be allowed to access an online backoffice environment which stores credits, consumptions and purchase preferences in its memory.
  2. The Data you provide to the owner will therefore be processed:
  1. a) for purposes connected or instrumental to the execution of the Service;
  2. b) to fulfil an obligation provided for by laws, regulations, community regulations, by provisions issued by authorities (such as, for instance accounting records and tax obligations; anti-money laundering legislation);
  3. c) for purposes functional to the customisation of the Service, the improvement and development of the commercial activity of the Data Controller (performed directly or by means of the work of specialised companies designated as data processors), for which pursuant to the GDPR you have the right to grant or deny your consent, such as:

3) Legal basis for the processing

Legal bases of the processing are those indicated in art. 6, par. 1 GDPR

4) Recipients of the Data - Data Processors

In order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, your data may be disclosed to third parties who are involved in various capacities in the provision of the service provided. For instance, Your Data may be communicated to the Accounting and / or Tax and / or IT consultants engaged by the Data Controller or to third parties who carry out sector studies and statistical and market research, who may process the Data within the limits of the assignments received, undertaking the role of Data Processors.

The up-to-date list of Data Processors is available at the registered office of ###legalAddress###; you are free to contact the Data Controller to request any clarification or concerns regarding your privacy.

5) Consequences of failure to communicate Data and failure to provide consent

Communication of the personal data is above all to comply with a specific contractual requirement to provide a service; for this reason, failure to communicate the data would prevent the execution of the same, and make it impossible for use to render our services.

On the other hand, consent is entirely optional as regards to the use of your data for commercial purposes.

6) Data retention

Your data, subject to processing for the purposes indicated above, shall be retained for a period of 24 months from the last use of the MyKey Landing Page Technology and for as long as there is still credit in your favour on the device and, subsequently, for the time in which the Data Controller is subject to retention obligations for tax purposes or for other purposes provided for by law or regulation applicable on the national territory.

7) Automated decision-making processes (art. 22 GDPR)

By giving consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes envisaged in section (c) , the data collected may be subject to an automated decision-making process, using a specific algorithm that will decide which communications are best suited or which are of the most interest to the recipient.

No aspects of the proposals shall be binding on the user.

In any case, the Data Subject shall be entitled to request and obtain human intervention in the decision-making process by the Data Controller, to express his or her opinion, to obtain an explanation of the decision made and to appeal against the decision itself.

In any case, profiling will be conducted using mathematical and statistical procedures which, with the application of appropriate technical and organisational measures, make it possible to correct the factors that lead to inaccuracies in data and to limit the risk of errors in order to guarantee data security. Dissemination of data is excluded.

8) Rights of the Data Subject

Please be informed that, as a Data Subject, you shall be entitled to exercise the rights foreseen by the GDPR in respect of all personal data processed and, more specifically:

– Right of access to the collected and processed data (art. 15);

– Right to obtain rectification of data (art. 16);

– Right to obtain erasure of data and the right to be forgotten (art. 17);

– Right to obtain restriction of processing (art. 18);

– Right to data portability to another Data Controller (art. 20);

– Right to object to the processing (art. 21);

– Right to withdraw consent (if the processing is based on consent), which shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal (art. 7);

– Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (art. 77);

– Right to an effective judicial remedy against a supervisory authority (art. 78) and Right to an effective judicial remedy against a controller or processor (at. 79).

\";\n// Exports\nmodule.exports = code;","// Module\nvar code = \"

Declaración de confidencialidad de la aplicación \\\"MyKey Landing Page\\\" prestada en virtud del art. 13, apartado 1, del REGLAMENTO (UE) 679/2016 relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales (RGPD) \\\"UTILIZACIÓN DE LA APLICACIÓN MyKey Landing Page\\\"

Estimado Usuario, ###legalCompanyName### (denominada en lo sucesivo el «Responsable»), en cumplimiento de lo previsto en el art. 13, apartado 1, del Reglamento (UE) 679/206 (en lo sucesivo, RGPD), le informa, en calidad de «interesado», sobre las finalidades de la recogida y las modalidades de tratamiento de sus datos personales en cuyo conocimiento entrará el Responsable mediante la aplicación «MyKey Landing Page».

1) Responsable del tratamiento y delegado de protección de datos

  1. El Responsable del tratamiento es ###legalCompanyName###, con domicilio en ###legalAddress###, n.º a efectos del IVA ###legalVatCode###. El Responsable del tratamiento puede ser contactado por correo electrónico en la dirección: ###legalEmail###

2) Finalidades del tratamiento de los datos

  1. El otorgamiento de los datos resulta necesario para utilizar el servicio Mykey Landing Page con el que se habilita el dispositivo móvil (denominado token) entregado. Dicho dispositivo, que permite principalmente adquirir bebidas o artículos alimentarios ofrecidos en todos los distribuidores automáticos gestionados por parte del Responsable, posibilita también con carácter accesorio y facultativo el disfrute de un servicio personalizado: en concreto, previa autenticación, se le permitirá acceder a un entorno en línea de backoffice, en el que se encuentra almacenado su crédito, sus consumos y, por lo tanto, sus preferencias de compra.
  2. Por lo tanto, los Datos proporcionados por usted al Responsable se tratarán:
  1. a) para las finalidades relacionadas con o instrumentales para la ejecución del Servicio;
  2. b) para la ejecución de una obligación contemplada en Derecho, reglamentos o normativas de la Unión o de disposiciones impartidas por autoridades (como, p. ej., registros contables y trámites fiscales; normativa contra el blanqueo de capitales);
  3. c) para finalidades funcionales a la personalización del Servicio, la mejora y el desarrollo de la actividad comercial del Responsable (ejecutadas directamente o a través de los servicios de sociedades especializadas designadas encargados del tratamiento), respecto de las cuales, en virtud del RGPD, a usted le asistirá el derecho a prestar o denegar su consentimiento, como:

3) Base jurídica del tratamiento

Las bases jurídicas del tratamiento resultan ser las plasmadas en el art. 6, apartado 1, del RGPD

4) Destinatarios de los datos – Encargados del tratamiento

Para la consecución de las finalidades susodichas, sus Datos se podrán comunicar a sujetos terceros que, en diversas calidades, participen en la prestación del Servicio. A título ilustrativo, sus datos podrán comunicarse a los asesores contables, fiscales o informáticos del Responsable o bien a terceros que efectúen estudios sectoriales e investigaciones estadísticas y de mercado, que podrán tratar los datos dentro de los límites de los cometidos encomendados, asumiendo la condición de encargados del tratamiento.

El listado actualizado de Encargados del tratamiento está disponible en el domicilio social de ###legalAddress###; usted podrá ponerse libremente en contacto con el encargado del tratamiento para cualquier aclaración o problemática relativas a su privacidad.

5) Consecuencias de la no comunicación de los datos y la denegación del consentimiento

La comunicación de los datos se produce ante todo por un requisito contractual específico, necesario para la prestación de un servicio, razón por la cual la no comunicación de los mismos constituiría un impedimento para dicha ejecución, haciendo irrealizable nuestro servicio.

En cambio, el consentimiento es totalmente facultativo en lo que concierne a la utilización de sus datos con fines comerciales.

6) Conservación de los datos

Sus datos, objeto del tratamiento con las finalidades indicadas en lo que antecede, se conservarán durante un período de 24 meses a partir de la última utilización de la Tecnología MyKey Landing Page y siempre que conste un crédito a su favor y, posteriormente, durante el tiempo en el que el Responsable esté sujeto a las obligaciones de conservación con finalidades fiscales o con otras finalidades previstas en normas jurídicas o reglamentos aplicables en el territorio nacional.

7) Decisiones individuales automatizadas (art. 22 del RGPD)

Al dar su consentimiento para el tratamiento de sus datos personales para las finalidades indicadas en el apartado c), los datos recogidos podrán someterse a un proceso de toma de decisiones automatizado, mediante un algoritmo específico que decidirá qué comunicaciones se adecuan más a su perfil o cuáles podrían serle de mayor interés.

Nada de lo propuesto será vinculante para el usuario.

En cualquier caso, el interesado tendrá derecho a obtener la intervención humana en el proceso de toma de decisiones por parte del Responsable, expresar su opinión, obtener una explicación de la decisión alcanzada y oponerse a la misma.

En todo caso, la elaboración de perfiles se efectuará mediante procedimientos matemáticos y estadísticos que, mediante las medidas técnicas y organizativas oportunas, permitan rectificar los factores que comportan la inexactitud de los datos y circunscribir el riesgo de errores, en aras de garantizar la seguridad de los datos. Quedará excluida la divulgación de los datos.

8) Derechos del interesado

Le informamos de que, en calidad de interesado, con respecto a todos los datos personales tratados, podrá ejercitar los derechos previstos en el RGPD y, específicamente:

- derecho de acceso a los datos recogidos y tratados (art. 15);

- derecho a obtener la rectificación de los datos (art. 16);

- derecho a obtener la supresión de los datos y derecho al olvido (art. 17);

- derecho a obtener la limitación del tratamiento (art. 18);

- derecho a la portabilidad de los datos a otro responsable (art. 20;

- derecho de oposición al tratamiento (art. 21);

- derecho de retirada del consentimiento (si el tratamiento se basa en el consentimiento), sin perjuicio de la licitud del tratamiento basado en el consentimiento dado antes de su retirada (art. 7);

- derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control (art. 77);

- derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva contra una autoridad de control (art. 78) y contra un responsable o encargado del tratamiento (art. 79).

\";\n// Exports\nmodule.exports = code;","// Module\nvar code = \"



In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) and with the rest of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, we wish to inform you that the personal data provided through this website and, in general, as part of your relationships with COGES, SPA (IT 00527790240), they will be treated by the said entity as Data Processor.


Your personal data may be provided to external auxiliary service providers that require access to them to perform their function, such as transportation companies, technical maintenance companies, environmental management companies, IT service providers with access to personal data, consulting agencies, financial institutions, personnel selection companies, advertising and marketing companies and others.
These external auxiliary service providers will be connected to COGES SPA as Data Processors and will process your data strictly following our instructions, in compliance with the regulations on personal data protection.
For the correct management of the contracts of our products and services, personal data will be transferred to our official distributor closest to your home.
If we have your consent, your data may be transferred for commercial purposes to other Azkoyen Group companies and to third parties who have signed a commercial collaboration agreement with COGES SPA.
When legally required, your data could also be transferred to public authorities.

COGES SPA will keep your data only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was obtained. When your data ceases to be necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, it will be deleted as long as it is legally possible; otherwise, they will be blocked and made available to Judges and Courts, or to the competent Public Administrations, in particular the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, to verify the possible responsibilities deriving from the processing of personal data.

The processing of personal data provided will be carried out by adopting the physical, logical and organizational security measures necessary to avoid the loss, improper use, alteration and unauthorized access to them, taking into account the state of technology, nature of data and risk analysis performed.

The revocation of the consent granted, as well as the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation, portability and non-presentation of automated decisions may be addressed by written request to:

Via Luigi Dalla Via, 10 - 36015 SCHIO (VI) Italia

In the event that the interested party considers that the previous rights have not been respected in compliance with the current legislation, they can submit the relevant request for protection of rights before the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali.

The mandatory data of each form are identified as such by an asterisk (*). The refusal to provide such information will prevent communication with the user and, if necessary, the impossibility of providing the information and / or services requested.

Après avoir enregistré votre clé MyKey sur ce site, le responsable du traitement des données sera le Gestionnaire des distributeurs automatiques auxquels votre MyKey est associée. Lors de l’enregistrement, il vous sera fourni le texte de la note d’information en matière de Confidentialité accompagné des informations correspondantes, aux termes du Règlement (UE) 2016/679 (« RGPD »).

\";\n// Exports\nmodule.exports = code;","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return (_vm.show)?_c('div',[_c('ck-header-background',{attrs:{\"merchant-config\":_vm.merchantConfig}}),_c('ck-header',{attrs:{\"merchant-cfg\":_vm.merchantConfig,\"home-redirect\":!_vm.isMobileAppRegistration,\"show-profile\":!_vm.isMobileAppRegistration},on:{\"logout\":_vm.logout,\"gotoaccount\":_vm.account}}),_c('ck-privacy-content',{attrs:{\"is-mobile-app-registration\":_vm.isMobileAppRegistration,\"merchant-cfg\":_vm.merchantConfig}}),(!_vm.isMobileAppRegistration)?_c('ck-footer'):_vm._e()],1):_vm._e()}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('main',{staticClass:\"pb-4\",attrs:{\"id\":\"main-content\"}},[(!_vm.isMobileAppRegistration)?_c('div',{staticClass:\"key-icon\"}):_vm._e(),_c('div',{staticClass:\"container pt-2 pb-4\"},[_c('div',{staticClass:\"row\"},[_c('div',{staticClass:\"col-sm-12\"},[_c('div',{staticClass:\"main-wrapper container py-3\"},[(_vm.isMobileAppRegistration)?_c('div',[_c('span',{staticClass:\"go-back-btn\",on:{\"click\":function($event){return _vm.goBack()}}},[_vm._v(_vm._s(_vm.$t('register.return-to-registration')))])]):_vm._e(),_c('div',{staticClass:\"row\",class:{ 'mt-4': !_vm.isMobileAppRegistration }},[_c('div',{staticClass:\"m-auto pt-5\"},[(!_vm.loaded)?_c('b-spinner',{attrs:{\"type\":\"grow\"}}):_vm._e()],1),(_vm.hasMerchant)?_c('div',{staticClass:\"col-sm-12 p-4 p-md-5 text-justify\"},[(_vm.loaded)?_c('div',{domProps:{\"innerHTML\":_vm._s(_vm.privacyMerchantContent)}}):_vm._e()]):(_vm.loaded)?_c('div',{staticClass:\"col-sm-12 p-4 p-md-5 text-justify\",domProps:{\"innerHTML\":_vm._s(_vm.privacyCogesContent)}}):_vm._e()])])])])])])}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","export class MerchantPrivacy {\n public privacy: string | undefined = undefined;\n}\n","\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nimport { Component, Prop, Vue, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator';\nimport { MediasGetters } from '@/store/modules/medias/enums';\nimport { MerchantPrivacy } from '@/models/config/merchantPrivacy';\nimport { CommonGetters } from '@/store/modules/common/enums';\nimport { configService } from '@/services/config/config.service';\nimport { isNullOrEmpty, isNullOrWhiteSpace } from '@glitchedmob/isnullorempty';\nimport { MerchantConfig } from '@/models/config/merchantConfig';\nimport { MerchantConfigGetters } from '@/store/modules/merchant-config/enums';\n\n@Component({})\nexport default class PrivacyContent extends Vue {\n @Prop()\n public merchantCfg!: MerchantConfig;\n @Prop({ default: false })\n public isMobileAppRegistration!: boolean;\n protected loaded = false;\n public merchantPrivacy: MerchantPrivacy = new MerchantPrivacy();\n private privacyCogesContent = '';\n private privacyMerchantContent = '';\n\n @Watch('language')\n public async loadPrivacyText(): Promise {\n this.loaded = false;\n const merchantId = this.merchantConfig.merchantId;\n if (!isNullOrWhiteSpace(merchantId)) {\n await configService\n .getMerchantPrivacy(merchantId, this.language)\n .then((response) => {\n this.merchantPrivacy = response;\n })\n .finally(() => {\n this.loaded = true;\n if (isNullOrEmpty(this.merchantPrivacy.privacy)) {\n this.privacyMerchantContent = this.getPrivacyMerchant();\n } else {\n this.privacyMerchantContent = this.merchantPrivacy.privacy;\n }\n });\n } else {\n this.loaded = true;\n this.getPrivacyCoges();\n }\n }\n\n async mounted(): Promise {\n if (!this.loaded) this.loadPrivacyText();\n this.getPrivacyCoges();\n }\n\n public get language(): string {\n return this.$store.getters[CommonGetters.Language];\n }\n\n get hasMerchant(): boolean {\n if (this.merchantConfig) {\n return !!this.merchantConfig.merchantId;\n }\n return this.$store.getters[MediasGetters.GetMerchantId];\n }\n\n public get merchantConfig(): MerchantConfig {\n if (this.merchantCfg) {\n return this.merchantCfg;\n }\n return this.$store.getters[MerchantConfigGetters.GetMerchantConfig];\n }\n\n private getPrivacyCoges(): void {\n this.privacyCogesContent = require('@/assets/privacy/' +\n this.language +\n '/privacypolicy_coges.html');\n }\n\n private getPrivacyMerchant(): string {\n let template: string = require('@/assets/privacy/' +\n this.language +\n '/privacypolicy_merchantgeneric.html');\n template = template.replaceAll(\n '###legalCompanyName###',\n this.merchantConfig.legalCompanyName ?? '',\n );\n template = template.replaceAll(\n '###legalAddress###',\n this.merchantConfig.legalAddress ?? '',\n );\n template = template.replaceAll(\n '###legalVatCode###',\n this.merchantConfig.legalVatCode ?? '',\n );\n template = template.replaceAll(\n '###legalEmail###',\n this.merchantConfig.legalEmail ?? '',\n );\n return template;\n }\n\n private goBack(): void {\n this.$router.go(-1);\n }\n}\n","import mod from \"-!../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--14-0!../../../node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../../../node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??ref--14-3!../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./PrivacyContent.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--14-0!../../../node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../../../node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??ref--14-3!../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./PrivacyContent.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./PrivacyContent.vue?vue&type=template&id=76c47f32&scoped=true&\"\nimport script from \"./PrivacyContent.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"\nexport * from \"./PrivacyContent.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"\nimport style0 from \"./PrivacyContent.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=76c47f32&lang=scss&scoped=true&\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n \"76c47f32\",\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nimport { AuthActions } from '@/store/modules/auth/enums';\nimport { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';\nimport { MediasActions } from '@/store/modules/medias/enums';\nimport { MerchantConfig } from '@/models/config/merchantConfig';\nimport { MerchantConfigActions } from '@/store/modules/merchant-config/enums';\nimport { MerchantMigrationActions } from '@/store/modules/merchant-migration/enums';\nimport { Routes } from '@/router/routes';\nimport { WebPaymentsActions } from '@/store/modules/web-payments/enums';\nimport Footer from '@/components/layout/Footer.vue';\nimport Header from '@/components/layout/Header.vue';\nimport HeaderBackground from '@/components/layout/HeaderBackground.vue';\nimport PrivacyContent from '@/views/privacy/PrivacyContent.vue';\n\n@Component({\n components: {\n 'ck-footer': Footer,\n 'ck-header': Header,\n 'ck-header-background': HeaderBackground,\n 'ck-privacy-content': PrivacyContent,\n },\n})\nexport default class Privacy extends Vue {\n protected isMobileAppRegistration = false;\n protected merchantConfig: MerchantConfig | undefined = undefined;\n protected show = true;\n\n private created(): void {\n this.isMobileAppRegistration = this.$route.params\n .isMobileAppRegistration as unknown as boolean;\n this.merchantConfig = this.$route.params\n .merchantCfg as unknown as MerchantConfig;\n }\n\n account(): void {\n this.$router.push({\n name: Routes.Customer,\n params: { loaded: 'true', showAccount: 'true' },\n });\n }\n\n async logout(): Promise {\n this.show = false;\n this.$spinner.showSpinner();\n this.$store.dispatch(MerchantConfigActions.Clear);\n this.$store.dispatch(MediasActions.Clear);\n this.$store.dispatch(WebPaymentsActions.Clear);\n this.$store.dispatch(MerchantMigrationActions.Clear);\n this.$store.dispatch(AuthActions.Logout);\n await this.$msal.signOut();\n }\n}\n","import mod from \"-!../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--14-0!../../../node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../../../node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??ref--14-3!../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Privacy.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--14-0!../../../node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../../../node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??ref--14-3!../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Privacy.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./Privacy.vue?vue&type=template&id=0c628ec6&scoped=true&\"\nimport script from \"./Privacy.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"\nexport * from \"./Privacy.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n \"0c628ec6\",\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","// Module\nvar code = \"



In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) and with the rest of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, we wish to inform you that the personal data provided through this website and, in general, as part of your relationships with COGES, SPA (IT 00527790240), they will be treated by the said entity as Data Processor.


  • Management of questions relating to general company information and our products and services. Legal basis: consent of the interested party (art. 6.1 a) GDPR.
  • Management of the curriculum vitae of the candidates participating in our selection processes. Legal basis: consent of the interested party (art. 6.1 a) GDPR.
  • Compliance with contractual obligations. Legal basis of the legitimation: execution of the contract (art. 6.1 b) GDPR.
  • Compliance with legal obligations in tax, accounting and administrative matters deriving from the contractual relationship established, where appropriate. Legal basis of legitimation: compliance with the legal obligation (art. 6.1 c) GDPR.
  • Sending commercial information from COGES SPA to its customers, with any instrument, including electronic communications, about products and / or services similar to those previously contracted. Legal basis: legitimate interest (art. 6.1.f) GDPR.
  • In case of consent, the sending of commercial information, with any instrument, including electronic communications, from other companies of the Azkoyen group and, where appropriate, from third parties that have signed commercial collaboration agreements. Legal basis of the legitimacy: consent of the interested party (art. 6.1 a) GDPR.
  • In the event of consent, analysis via cookies. Legal basis: consent of the interested party (art. 6.1 a) GDPR.

Your personal data may be provided to external auxiliary service providers that require access to them to perform their function, such as transportation companies, technical maintenance companies, environmental management companies, IT service providers with access to personal data, consulting agencies, financial institutions, personnel selection companies, advertising and marketing companies and others.
These external auxiliary service providers will be connected to COGES SPA as Data Processors and will process your data strictly following our instructions, in compliance with the regulations on personal data protection.
For the correct management of the contracts of our products and services, personal data will be transferred to our official distributor closest to your home.
If we have your consent, your data may be transferred for commercial purposes to other Azkoyen Group companies and to third parties who have signed a commercial collaboration agreement with COGES SPA.
When legally required, your data could also be transferred to public authorities.

COGES SPA will keep your data only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was obtained. When your data ceases to be necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, it will be deleted as long as it is legally possible; otherwise, they will be blocked and made available to Judges and Courts, or to the competent Public Administrations, in particular the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, to verify the possible responsibilities deriving from the processing of personal data.

  • Personal data obtained through the registration form in the personnel selection processes will be kept for as long as these processes are open and for a maximum period of one year after the end of the process. Subsequently, they will be deleted, except in the case of candidates finally hired whose CVs will be incorporated into the employment file.
  • Personal data referring to commercial transactions with customers and suppliers operating as independent entrepreneurs will be kept in any case while the contractual relationship is in force and for six years after its termination, this period may be extended until the statute of limitations for the prescription of shares is valid.
  • The personal data of a professional nature included in the contact databases for commercial purposes based on the explicit consent granted for this purpose will be kept on condition that they are not revoked or obsolete.

The processing of personal data provided will be carried out by adopting the physical, logical and organizational security measures necessary to avoid the loss, improper use, alteration and unauthorized access to them, taking into account the state of technology, nature of data and risk analysis performed.

The revocation of the consent granted, as well as the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation, portability and non-presentation of automated decisions may be addressed by written request to:

Via Luigi Dalla Via, 10 - 36015 SCHIO (VI) Italia

In the event that the interested party considers that the previous rights have not been respected in compliance with the current legislation, they can submit the relevant request for protection of rights before the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali.

The mandatory data of each form are identified as such by an asterisk (*). The refusal to provide such information will prevent communication with the user and, if necessary, the impossibility of providing the information and / or services requested.

Après avoir enregistré votre clé MyKey sur ce site, le responsable du traitement des données sera le Gestionnaire des distributeurs automatiques auxquels votre MyKey est associée. Lors de l’enregistrement, il vous sera fourni le texte de la note d’information en matière de Confidentialité accompagné des informations correspondantes, aux termes du Règlement (UE) 2016/679 (« RGPD »).

\";\n// Exports\nmodule.exports = code;"],"sourceRoot":""}